Thanks for the reply Todd. The phone is plugged dltecriy into the USB ports of my laptop; no hubs are being used. None of the 4 USB ports have a different response. Note too that occasionally file transfers work fine for awhile. My laptop doesn’t have built-in Bluetooth but I may try to pick up an adapter.In the end it’s not a big deal, especially since USB 1.1 is too slow to transfer anything of any serious size (I have a 2GB miniSD which would take hours to fill via 1.1). Hence, I usually have to take the miniSD card out of the phone and use a card reader for transfers anyway. It is a hassle, however, when I just want to transfer a CAB file or two, or a quick song or something. Perhaps Bluetooth may be the solution.
I think Windows phone 7 is better than adniod coz Windows is most popular and most people in the world using Microsoft windows so they are easy to know and easy to use window phone 7. Nokia is smart and smart.. a litle bit Andiod will not free download application more when they have much customer.
I found that the Motorola T305 Bluetooth Hands Free to be a great entry level Bluetooth Car Kit. It was easy to install and had great noise calinlecng with calls. I had no problems making and receiving calls with this Motorola T305.
Joe: You should check loizliaatcon issues on the local Microsoft web site or check for a globlization list on the site.Anil: You need to check with your mobile service provider or hardware manufacturer for upgrade availability.
gmail calendar & mioble sync has a very irritating bug. everytime you sync.1) an error code with support code: 0 86000106 appears2) birthdays in contact shifts by 1 or 2 days automitically!any idea if birthdays/anniversaries maintained in gmail contacts is auto-uploaded into google calendar?
Hi, great blog you have here, I’ve really eoynjed several of your posts.I had a quick comment / question about the new WMDC in Vista. I’m running Vista Ultimate with the latest WMDC and I’m having problems syncing with my Cingular 2125 (HTC Faraday) WM5 Smartphone. Actually, the phone is detected and set up fine, no problems to speak of there. But it has this awful habit of randomly disconnecting itself shortly after being connected.The problem seems worst when I’m trying to manually copy files to the phone (either internal memory or the miniSD storage card) from Explorer. When WMDC connects the phone, Explorer automatically pops up so I can view the files in the phone’s storage. I can navigate without problem, and if I copy a file (a CAB, MP3, whatever) to the phone the transfer begins normally. However, part way through (usually near the beginning) the transfer, a message pops up saying something about the device no longer being connected, and the copy is aborted. I have to unplug the phone, reconnect it, wait an eternity for WMDC to sort everything out and reconnect, and try again. And 9 times out of 10, the problem repeats. Only occasionally does a transfer succeed.Note that I’ve tried all types of files of various sizes, from a few Kb to several Mb without success. Also, I can sync and copy files fine from another PC using Windows XP and ActiveSync (4.2 I believe?). Any thoughts on this issue? So far WMDC is NOT inspiring confidence in me! I was excited to try it, as I loathe ActiveStink with a passion, but this seems like another classic MS case of 1 step forward, 2 steps back Thanks for any thoughts, and keep up the good work!Jesse
to myself it was enguoh. They just can’t keep up with other vendors. I am currently user of RIM phone but it also very outdated for current standards. Maybe Windows will help Nokia but I am not so sure.
yeaaaaaaaaa! Iphone sucks !!!!!
Thanks for the reply Todd. The phone is plugged dltecriy into the USB ports of my laptop; no hubs are being used. None of the 4 USB ports have a different response. Note too that occasionally file transfers work fine for awhile. My laptop doesn’t have built-in Bluetooth but I may try to pick up an adapter.In the end it’s not a big deal, especially since USB 1.1 is too slow to transfer anything of any serious size (I have a 2GB miniSD which would take hours to fill via 1.1). Hence, I usually have to take the miniSD card out of the phone and use a card reader for transfers anyway. It is a hassle, however, when I just want to transfer a CAB file or two, or a quick song or something. Perhaps Bluetooth may be the solution.
the iphone its self is not bad..But IOS FUCKING SUCKS
ah scemo sono italiano
I think Windows phone 7 is better than adniod coz Windows is most popular and most people in the world using Microsoft windows so they are easy to know and easy to use window phone 7. Nokia is smart and smart.. a litle bit Andiod will not free download application more when they have much customer.
Samsung SIII got the best commercial and smartphone !
nokia 808 is shit (belle as many other phones)
And nokia 808 pur vieux 41 41 41 41 MP
Samsung rules my friend!!!
Xperia T is the best
Samsung galaxy Note 2 it’s first… Quad-core 1.6 mhz and 2 gb of ram 5,5’… it’s the best
samsung s3 is the same iphone 3g jajajaja
galaxy s3! c’est sans surprise
Iphone 5 for the win!!!!
lol right…
I found that the Motorola T305 Bluetooth Hands Free to be a great entry level Bluetooth Car Kit. It was easy to install and had great noise calinlecng with calls. I had no problems making and receiving calls with this Motorola T305.
Joe: You should check loizliaatcon issues on the local Microsoft web site or check for a globlization list on the site.Anil: You need to check with your mobile service provider or hardware manufacturer for upgrade availability.
gmail calendar & mioble sync has a very irritating bug. everytime you sync.1) an error code with support code: 0 86000106 appears2) birthdays in contact shifts by 1 or 2 days automitically!any idea if birthdays/anniversaries maintained in gmail contacts is auto-uploaded into google calendar?
Hi, great blog you have here, I’ve really eoynjed several of your posts.I had a quick comment / question about the new WMDC in Vista. I’m running Vista Ultimate with the latest WMDC and I’m having problems syncing with my Cingular 2125 (HTC Faraday) WM5 Smartphone. Actually, the phone is detected and set up fine, no problems to speak of there. But it has this awful habit of randomly disconnecting itself shortly after being connected.The problem seems worst when I’m trying to manually copy files to the phone (either internal memory or the miniSD storage card) from Explorer. When WMDC connects the phone, Explorer automatically pops up so I can view the files in the phone’s storage. I can navigate without problem, and if I copy a file (a CAB, MP3, whatever) to the phone the transfer begins normally. However, part way through (usually near the beginning) the transfer, a message pops up saying something about the device no longer being connected, and the copy is aborted. I have to unplug the phone, reconnect it, wait an eternity for WMDC to sort everything out and reconnect, and try again. And 9 times out of 10, the problem repeats. Only occasionally does a transfer succeed.Note that I’ve tried all types of files of various sizes, from a few Kb to several Mb without success. Also, I can sync and copy files fine from another PC using Windows XP and ActiveSync (4.2 I believe?). Any thoughts on this issue? So far WMDC is NOT inspiring confidence in me! I was excited to try it, as I loathe ActiveStink with a passion, but this seems like another classic MS case of 1 step forward, 2 steps back Thanks for any thoughts, and keep up the good work!Jesse
to myself it was enguoh. They just can’t keep up with other vendors. I am currently user of RIM phone but it also very outdated for current standards. Maybe Windows will help Nokia but I am not so sure.