Test Samsung Galaxy Beam : le premier smartphone avec vidéo projecteur !

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Test complet + prix neuf sur bysus.fr Que vaut le Samsung Galaxy Beam, le 1er smartphone Android avec pico projecteur ! Qualité d’image, portée, luminosité, autonomie… Remplacer sa TV avec un smartphone, c’est (presque) possible (ou pas) !

+ 36 réflexions au sujet de « Test Samsung Galaxy Beam : le premier smartphone avec vidéo projecteur ! »

  1. Bonne vidéo ! 🙂
    Mais par contre il me semble que Samsung avait intégré un truc pour l’utiliser en tant que rétroprojecteur .. ce qui évitait de devoir filmer 🙂

  2. Si tu veux faire des bidouilles: modifier le thème, l’interface complète, le clavier, etc… vaut mieux prendre de l’Android. Si tu veux un téléphone qui fait tout mais que tu veux pas te casser la tête vaut mieux prendre l’iPhone ou tu aura pratiquement jamais de bug vu que tu ne peux rien modifier là ou le S2 tu aura des bugs..

  3. merci pour ta reponse, bh avec un iphone jailbreake on peut modifier les themes, le clavier etc… non?

  4. Oui tu peux mais c’est pas comme sur Android. Sur Android, tu télécharge une application sur le PlayStore et c’est réglé alors que sur iOS tu dois déjà jailbreaké, puis trouvé une source Cydia, puis trouvé l’application. C’est plus chiant si tu veux. Pour les thèmes, oui tu peux mais c’est pas complet enfaite c’est juste les icônes qui changent.

    • i was wondering with the erolatums where u got all the games on them or did they come with the erolatums and did any of the erolatums cost any money or were all of them free

  5. normal si utilises ce téléphone sans le bidouiller un peu et sans modifier les fichiers systèmes il n’aura pas de bug ( et encore c’est pas sur )

  6. c’est enorme ce truc si pars exemple ta un exposé a faire pour l’ecole ou pour son boulos 🙂 AMAZING !!

    • First get the SlideMe app (google it) and make an account. Then look for the fiwollong emulators: GBAoid, Snesoid, Nesoid, n64oid. The developer only charges for the N64oid but the rest are free, he has loads of them.Then we have the psx emulator on android market, it’s called FPSe and it’s pretty amazing and well worth your money. None of these requires root too.Go ahead and thumb this up so other people can see and thanks for the review TweeterMan287

  7. Je l’ai rooté et je n’ai pas constaté trop de bugs après si tu le bidouilles pas yaura pas de soucis

    • Ummmm, first its not on the market, but just do a sarech for yongzh and youll get his apps, all of them are free except N64oid which you can get the apk for on the internet.ALSO, these are made from other people, not by nintendo. im pretty sure if they found this out or really cared, they would instantly sue sony and google for the legal selling of nintendo’s hottest games on other non-nintendo platforms. Then they would tell the govt to block all rom sites that have their games.

    • Surur: You are entitled to your ooinipn but not your ad hominem comments. OEMs are not a customer. They are partners. Although it may be different in some parts of the world, purchases of mobile phones directly from the manufacturer without a mobile phone contract in the US is virtually non-existent (small single digit percentage if that large). I agree with your point that most people buy WiMo phones as individuals. And, this is Microsoft’s current problem. They do not consider these customers at all with regard to design. Look at Windows Mobile 6 and 6.1. The significant changes only mattered to people connecting to Exchange Servers. The other changes were minor. WiMo 6 was essentially Windows Mobile 5 Second Edition (and should have been named as such).Take a look around you. And, listen to non-techies ask questions of and make comments about phones. They invariably talk about Blackberrys and iPhones. There is no talk or visible purchase of Windows Mobile phones by non-techie consumers who want either a specific function to work well (push email) or ease of use.

  8. Test a la con…mec faudra que t’arrête de faire aussi long quand tu peux faire court, la même vidéo peut se faire en 3minute, a 6min30 c’est super lourd…1min avant tu nous explique qu’on peux régler le focus manuellement et la pendant 30sec tu nous réexplique le tout, alors qu’on veut juste voir le résultat, du coup dsl j’ai pas pu voir l’intégralité de la vidéo, j’aime pas trop la redondance d’ailleurs ont aurait aimé une petite projection sur un mur, juste pour se faire une idée non ?

  9. cool merci j ésite encore a me l acheter car comme tu dis le projo et le seul avantage du portable alors je crois que je vais attendre les futur concurant

    • one question do sega mega drive n64 snes nes and the other idcnule when you buy the phone or is it in store? if it is in store can i play have a linkalso how the hell did nintendo agree with this they not that one who gives out game for other console( cell phone this time). did sony just take the game from the internet like nintendo8bit. or is just in usa they have the n64 and the other. becuse i live in europe

    • Your confusion is ceuasd by this misconception: -WiMo has already conceded defeat to Apple’s iPhone in the consumer space. -WM has an installed base of 35 million active users, sold 20 million in the last 12 months and aim to sell 30 million in the next 12. Unlike Blackberrys, most WM phones are bought by consumers out of their own pocket. While WM could do a lot more media-wise, this has not stopped the OEM’s from making the devices more media-centric, like the HTC Touch Diamond or Samsung Omnia.You ask who the customers of WM are, and the answer is the OEM’s selling the software, just like the OEM’s like Dell and HP are Microsoft’s real customer of Windows.If these customers want to maintain sales they will have to face up to the demands of the Internet and media-centric world, and ask for a WM better suited to these areas. Microsoft is in the process of delivering, and WM7 should be everything they have asked for.In short, stop counting Windows Mobile out that would be a major mistake and leave you muddled and confused.

    • Dont mistake your US-centric view for the world. WM is poualpr in Asia, and the HTC Touch (not even Touch Diamond) outsold the iPhone in Europe.Just like the Mac, the iPhone has a high profile but low penetration. This wont stop bloggers thinking that media noise = reality.Again, because you have written WM off, you imagine MS has written of the consumer market. The truth is that after they have finished looking after their business concerns, they are in fact refocussing on consumers, who are even now buying their phones in much higher numbers than the very loud iPhone.

  10. Je pense que ce genre de gadget sera inclus dans les futurs smartphones, c’est vraiment de bonne qualité les images c’est sympa, et vu ce qui se fait au niveau des mini-projecteur à Led, on se dit qu’on à hate de voir cette technologie évoluer

    • I can’t believe the S3 is made of plsitac LOL, and 8 mp camera, 4 core processor. Why doesn’t Samsung use high quality material like HTC or Apple? iPhone 5 is confirmed to have a 10mp camera and 6 core processors, release date is June 21, 2012

  11. Vers la fin, tu dis qu’il faut filmer pour eclairer quand tu veux montrer des documents via la camera.
    Alors que tu peux ajouter la Widget Lampe Torche sur la page d’acceuil.
    En suite tu allumes la lampe torche via le widget, puis tu ouvres l’appli pour l’appareil photo.
    A ce moment la tu pourras tirer des photos, filmer ou simplement regarder des documents, sans ce préoccuper du flash vu qu’il sera toujours actif.

    • Look, Surur: You are an avid fanboy who likes to iulnst people anonymously. I get it. Ok? Again you are entitled to your opinion. But, here are the facts: Microsoft has removed consumer features such as media playlists with each succeeding version. They decided to make a custom device (the Zune) for a media player instead of using a custom version of a Windows Mobile platform. Each generation’s enhancements are mobile operator or enterprise focused. They bought Danger which produces a non-Windows Mobile based popular consumer focused phone (the Sidekick). Finally, every time I go to Redmond to visit with the Windows Mobile team, I come back with the message that the focus is the mobile operator and the enterprise. What do they tell you when you visit with the team? Something different?

  12. Il existe des adaptateur micro-sim vers sim qui s’achètent pour quelques euros dans n’importe qu’elle boutique de smartphone ;).

    • Normalement chez les particuliers il doit eatre dinlpsiboe, par contre chez les ope9rateurs te9le9coms il faudra attendre un bon moment avant qu’il ne soit dinlpsiboe.Prenons l’exemple de iPhone 4 avec Me9ditel, il n’est arrive9 qu’apre8s avoir vu le iPhone 4S!

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